Valtellina Wine Tour - Valtellina Wine Tour | The Grand Wine Tour

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Valtellina Wine Tour

Valtellina territory

A truly extraordinary series of small cultivated plots supported by a unique system of dry stone walls (recognized as a UNESCO Heritage Site), making it possible to grow vineyards in the Rhaetian Alps steep, sunny areas. It is estimated that if the walls were placed in a straight line to make a single wall, it would be about 2,500 kilometres long. The most widespread grape variety is Nebbiolo, locally known as Chiavennasca, but other important Valtellina varieties include Rossola, Pignola and Prugnola. Among the DOCG wines, do not miss the Sforzato, a red straw wine, or the Valtellina Superiore, made with grapes from the area between Berbeno di Valtellina and Tirano, that can be divided into the five subregions Maroggia, Sassella, Grumello, Inferno and Valgella. Stop by a local winemaker and try the fruits of their heroic labor!